Opus X, the Zino Davidoff and Vintage Macanudos, can be savored in these sumptuous surroundings. Fifty brands, including the rare and delectable Fuente Fuente With the capability to provide full-scale musical performances, PEEK has hosted some of the world's biggest names in entertainment.Ĭliché Lounge: The newest hip ultra-lounge in Lake Tahoe, a Harrah’s Lake Tahoe nightlife destination where you can enjoy the very best wines and spirits, as well as fine cigars. PEEK's new footprint includes 40 intimate VIP sections, including some of today's most highly touted nightclub amenities. Featuring over 6,700 square feet of nightlife and live entertainment space, Listen to some of the hottest DJ's in the world play your favorite dance hits.
Peek Nightclub: Elevate your experience at Lake Tahoe's #1 entertainment destination.